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Why I Wrote This Book

During the past two decades of advising and assisting homeschool parents about curriculum choices for their children, I noticed many of their calls to me were the result of having received inaccurate or inadequate - sometimes downright erroneous - advice. This erroneous advice came from other homeschool parents, discussion groups, well-meaning but uninformed or inexperienced publishing company employees, or from inexperienced employees of homeschool textbook distributors.

I wrote this book to answer those questions that today still confront homeschool parents using John Saxon's math books. After reading this book, you may still have a question or two that were not completely answered within its covers. Every child is different! What may work with the vast majority of homeschool students may need to be changed or adapted for an individual child.

We invite you to read our monthly Homeschool News Articles. The monthly news articles contain updated purchasing recommendations, information on printing errors, and professional advice, as well as links to educational support materials, to assist homeschool parents and students.

Some of the Many Questions This Book Will Answer For You in Detail

Do Saxon® math books still offer an excellent math curriculum?

Used vs. new textbooks?

Do I need to buy the new editions?

How do I record academic credits?

How do I transcript the high school courses?

Calculator or no calculator? When to use one?

Expensive graphing calculator vs. the inexpensive scientific calculator -- which is better?

Follow the order of Math 54, 65, 76, 87... Or skip a book?

What are the similarities and differences between Math 87 and Algebra 1/2?

Is the edition of the book Important?

Must the student have calculus in high school to study engineering at the university?

What does needing a tutor signify?

Do I really need to pay $100 or more for a DVD tutorial?

What are the differences between CD's and DVD's?

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